and Videos:
experiments can often involve dangers and hazards. The author
assumes no responsibility or liability for injury or damage, to persons
or property, resulting from use or misuse of the information provided
on these pages.
Our YouTube channel is here.
1) Water Arc Explosion Videos. (2007)
Video replication
of the Graneau experiments with electrodynamic water arcs and anomalous
cold fog explosions capable of launching objects into the
2) Magnetic Levitation Videos. (2008)
of a magnetic levitation device capable of suspending
parts in mid air, and serving as an ultra-low friction bearing for
various rotors. |
3) Home-built 18 MHz Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)
Spectrometer (2008)
Videos of the
construction details of an pulsed NMR spectrometer at 18 MHz, with a
demonstration of FIDs and spin echos from H protons in a
sample. |
1) Detecting
Earth's Rotation Through Space Using a Large Area Sagnac Interferometer
our latest experiment with Sagnac Interferometers, we construct a
device capable of detecting earth's diurnal rotation through space purely optically, demonstrating that the speed of light is not constant
for the laboratory observer. We then address the
fundamental question, with respect to what is the device
2) Interference of Light Beams from Two Independent
Lasers. (2010)
A famous quantum
mechanical postulate of Paul Dirac was that "two photons never
interfere." We find that in fact, they do.
3) A Replication of the Cialdea One-Way Speed of Light
the 1970's, Cialdea performed a one-way speed of
light experiment with a rotating table to attempt to
a difference in the speed of light in different directions due to the
earth's motion through space. We provide an experimental replication
4) Water Arc Explosion Experiment. (2007)
of the replication of the Graneau experiments with
water arcs and anomalous cold fog explosions capable of launching
objects into the air.
5) Magnetic Levitator. (2008)
and contruction of a magnetic levitation device capable
of suspending metal parts in mid air, and serving as an
bearing for various rotors. Includes an eddy current
drive system to rotate the levitated cylinder. |
6) The Aberration of Light and the Experiment of
Ernest Esclangon. (2010)
Esclangon appears to have somehow detected the Earth's motion through
space using a novel autocollimator arrangement. We test some possible
explanations of how he might have done it.
7) Interactive Esclangon Telescope Simulator.
A webapp
that allows one to simulate the Esclangon
Experiment. The
webapp allows one to adjust the mirror angles and hypothetical
ether wind speed. The vertical image displacement in
telescope on rotation is then calculated assuming that
the mirrors
would experience a Lorentz contraction in the direction of the ether
wind. See article 5) above for additional details.
8) A
Single Laser One-Way Speed of Light Experiment using a Standing Wave
Interferometer (2011)
in depth experiment shows how the fringe shift
that arises due to a standing wave moving with
respect to a
sensor in an interferometer that
is rotated
through an
aether wind will be cancelled by the frequency shift in the laser clock
due to a mechanical time dilation effect predicted by
Lorentz. |
describe a 4 quadrant photodetector constructed for measuring angular
beam drift in a HeNe laser system. We then examine the degree to which
the exit angle of the HeNe lasers drift over periods of hours and days,
the mechanism involved, and how to solve it.
describe a detailed replication of Silvertooth's standing wave
interferometer experiment of 1986/1992 in which he claimed to have been able to measure the one-way wavelength of light, thereby detecting our
relative motion through space with respect to the CMBr.
Construction articles:
1) How to Build a Frequency-Stabilized HeNe Laser.
A short
article on how to build a HeNe laser with frequency stability on the
order of 1 part per million.
2) Home
Built Nuclear Magnetic Resonance ( NMR ) Spectrometer.
article on the construction of a pulsed NMR spectrometer at 18 MHz,
with a demonstration of FIDs and spin echos from H and F protons.
3) How
to bulld a Sagnac Interferometer / Fiber Optic Gyroscope ( FOG )
Features our
instructional YouTube video, and references to relevant links. |
4) Construction
of an all Fiber-Optic Michelson Interferometer
article on the construction of a single mode fiber optic Michelson
interferometer using Faraday rotator mirrors. Also desribes the use
a wireless datalogging system using Bluetooth communication to a host
computer. Data is presented on a replication of a
type experiment, which is also consistent with the results of the
Shamir and Fox experiment. |
is a brief note describing a temperature data logger we constructed
recently using a thermistor, OP-amp and a PIC16F777 microcontroller.
uses a freeware program to import logged data points directly into an
Excel spreadsheet for analysis and graphing. |